Period/ Menstrual Cycle/ Menstruation
Menstruation, or having a period, is the part of the menstrual cycle where a person bleeds from their vagina/front hole. During menstruation, the lining of the uterus (endometrial tissue), which has grown after ovulation, breaks down and flows through the cervix and out of the vagina/front hole.
Menstruation and Trans People
Menstruation, or a period, is a part of many people’s lives. For some trans and gender-diverse people, getting their period is a normal and okay part of being in their body. For others, it’s uncomfortable and even an actively distressing experience. Having a period is not a feminine thing, and people of all genders menstruate, including non-binary people, agender people, and even plenty of men!
Menstruation doesn’t change anything about your gender; it’s just a thing that some bodies do. Many people, trans and cis, avoid having their period or try to have it less regularly than it would naturally occur, and this is completely okay.
Trans people who go through a natal estrogen-based puberty usually get their first period between 9 and 14 years of age, though people who go on hormone blockers may not ever get a period. Menstruation might continue until menopause, which can occur anywhere between 44-55 years of age.
- Menstruation – TransHubOrg
- Menstruation: What To Expect
- Menstruation Sensation: All About Getting Your Period
- Menstruation Stigma