

  • E-Wisse has become and indispensable tool in our efforts to provide comprehensive sexual health education and support to young people. It helps us bridge the gap between the information they seek and the guidance they need. Giovanni Marino -Youth Worker (Italy)
  • E-Wisee provides a safe and inclusive space for us to engage with the youth we work with. Its user -friendly interface allows us to easily navigate a wealth of information aspects of sexual health. Maria Katsarou ~ Youth Worker (Greece)
  • As youth workers, we understand the critical importance of providing accurate and accessible sexual health education to young people. We've been using E_WISEE and it has truly revolutionized the way we approach this sensitive and vital topic. Olivia Sánchez ~ Youth Worker (Spain)
  • The platform´s commitment to inclusivity and diversity is evident in its content, which addresses the unique needs and experiences of different communities with the young people we serve and offer tailored support. Andreas Christou ~ (Greece)