Gender Pronouns

The pronoun or set of pronouns a person uses to refer to themselves when they are not being addressed by name (e.g., she/her/hers; he/him/his; and they/them/theirs). 

The following discussion is orientated in gender pronouns, their use, and acts of respect.

  • The articles that each person chooses to be referred to. In Greek, it is more difficult to explain, but…well…
  • Linguistically, it is not difficult nevertheless.
  • Linguistically, it’s not difficult. In Greek, it is clear.
  • As long as something very important is done. The detachment from the object.
  • Exactly. Because there’s John, who uses the pronouns he/his and feels good about it.
  • I am a cisgender person, and my biological and social gender agree.
  • Exactly! And then there’s Joe. I am not an object! In English, I use they/them, my articles are neutral, and my biological and social gender are in disagreement.
  • And it’s ok!
  • Pronouns are how you address a person and how you address them, how you address them. As long as we get away from the notion of “Oh, neutral is only for things, I can’t…”. Leave us!
  • I’d like you to explain – because this part is a bit fuzzy for me too – the pronouns that can be of the type they/he or she/him. That is, where there are adjectives. 
  • In these cases, I think the best way is to talk to the person and ask if there is a preference for pronouns – this happens, too. He may tell you that he’s fine with it. Then, you make sure your speech has both. It’s not so much of an issue anymore.
  • We subscribe to a logic of fluidity, where it is not necessary to define ourselves by just one thing. 
  • Also, we need to learn not to be afraid to ask questions. Whether you embarrass it by asking comes second.
  • And it depends on your word and intent.
  • The best thing to do when you meet a person who is queer and not cisgender is to ask. And no one will be offended by you asking.

