Hate Speech

Hate speech is any kind of communication in speech, writing, or behaviour, that attacks or uses degrading or discriminatory language with references to a person or a group based on who they are, in other words, based on their religion, ethnicity, nationality, race, colour, descent, gender or other identity factor.


Hate speech doesn’t take account or include…

  • all of the parameters, manifestations, and variants of gender expression and sexuality/ sexual orientation 
  • the pronouns that a person uses to identify themselves and be presented
  • LGBTQIA+ community’s wills and needs
  • Individuals with mental health issues
  • Individuals with disabilities 

Hate speech practices and mediums:

  • Gaslighting
  • Mansplaining
  • Categorization
  • Stereotypes
  • Unconscious Bias
  • Victim Blaming
  • Stigma
  • Ageism
  • Ableism
  • Bullying

